우버에서 드라이버에게 2020년 Prop 22로 인하여 지원되는것이 나와 있습니다
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Insurance for rideshare drivers using Uber
Offline or the Driver app is off
Your chosen personal insurance company and
coverages apply
Available or waiting for a ride request
Uber maintains the following auto insurance
on your behalf in case of a covered accident:
Third-party liability if your personal auto
insurance doesn’t apply¹
$50,000 in bodily injury per person
$100,000 in bodily injury per accident
$25,000 in property damage per accident
En route to pick up riders and during trips
Uber maintains the following auto insurance
on your behalf in case of a covered accident:
$1,000,000 third-party liability
Uninsured/underinsured motorist bodily
injury and/or first-party injury insurance²
Contingent comprehensive and collision³
Up to actual cash value of car with a
$2,500 deductible
Insurance for delivery people*
Offline or the Driver app is off
Your chosen personal insurance company and
coverages apply
Available or waiting for a delivery request
Uber maintains the following auto insurance
on your behalf in case of a covered accident:
Third-party liability if your personal auto
insurance doesn’t apply
$50,000 in bodily injury per person
$100,000 in bodily injury per accident
$25,000 in property damage per accident
En route to pick up deliveries and during
Uber maintains the following auto insurance
on your behalf in case of a covered accident:
$1,000,000 third-party liability
Contingent comprehensive and collision³
Up to actual cash value of car with a
$2,500 deductible
*Excluding accidents occurring in New York
Injury Protection paid for by Uber for
California drivers and delivery persons
Injury Protection paid for by Uber for
California drivers and delivery persons is effective 12/16/2020. With the
passage of Prop 22, California drivers and delivery persons now have Injury
Protection insurance. If you’re injured in an accident while driving or delivering
in California with Uber, this insurance can provide you and your family with
financial support.
Benefits may include**:
Disability Payments
Earnings replacement up to $1,324 per week
Medical expenses
Accident medical expenses up to $1,000,000
with no deductible or copay
Survivor benefits
Up to $320,000 for eligible dependants
Terms to know
Insurance Badge
Third-party liability insurance
Insurance for bodily injury and property
damage caused to a third party and arising from a covered accident. A third
party is someone or something other than yourself or your vehicle.
route check
Uninsured/underinsured motorist bodily
injury insurance and first-party injury insurance
Uninsured/underinsured motorist bodily
injury coverage insures injuries to you and your riders if a covered accident
occurs during an Uber trip and another driver is at fault and doesn’t have
sufficient insurance. This insurance also may apply in the case of a hit and
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