2025.01.13 (월)




어머 트럼프 드디어 기소되었네요. 미대통령으로는 처음이라는

  • 작성자 : evanlee473
  • 작성일 : 2023-03-31 13:26:45
  • 조회수 : 177
  • 추천수 : 1

맨해튼 검찰, 트럼프 기소 결정 전직 미국 대통령으로는 처음
2016년 대선전, 포르노 배우 스토미 다니엘스와 성관계에 대해 입다무는 조건으로 13만불을 줬는데
맨해튼 대배심에서 형법으로 문제가 있다고 보고 기소하기로 결정.

대배심은 평결을 하는 것이 아닌 기소 여부를 결정하는 제도이며 미국과 라이베리아에서만 시행되는 제도이다. 대배심이 적용되는 경우는 법에서 정하는 중범죄(felony)이거나 연방 범죄에 해당하는 경우이다. 검사가 단독으로 판사에게 기소 요청(complaint)를 하게 되고, 이후 판사는 16인에서 23인으로 이루어진 대배심을 소집하여 기소 여부를 결정하게 된다. 대배심에서의 심의 과정은 비밀로 진행되며 판사의 참여 없이 검사에 의해 진행된다. 대배심에서 12인 이상이 유죄의 혐의가 있다고 볼 경우 기소장(indictment)을 제출하게 된다.

Former President Trump was indicted on criminal charges in New York on Thursday for his role in organizing hush money payments made to an adult film star during his 2016 campaign, according to a source familiar with the proceedings.

The history-making indictment marks the first time a president has been charged in a criminal matter and comes as several law enforcement entities are investigating Trump’s conduct in numerous probes.

The charges laid out in the indictment remain unclear.

The indictment, which remains under seal, follows an investigation by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg (D) that centered on a $130,000 payment fixer Michael Cohen made to adult film star Stormy Daniels shortly before the election.

Trump’s company labeled Cohen’s reimbursement of the payment as a legal expense and did not disclose them in campaign expense reports.

Cohen pleaded guilty in 2018 and served time for his role in the matter on charges related to campaign finance violations and tax fraud. He claimed that Trump directed him to make the payment and that Trump reimbursed him in monthly installments that included a bonus.

The payment was made as part of a nondisclosure agreement as Daniels was prepared to go public with claims she has a sexual relationship with Trump – an affair he denies.

Trump has repeatedly dismissed the investigation as a witch hunt and previously called on supporters to protest his arrest.


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